Betting tournament

Nations League

A correctly predicted match score is 3 points, a result without an exact score is 2 points.

There are no games in the tournament right now.
But they will appear very soon!

Comments: 55

romania-kosovo technical defeat 3-0
кноп, In fact, this match should have been removed from the tournament (as it was done before - i.e. return!!!)..👍
And so count the victory for the Romanians, although the match actually ended in a draw👏👏👏
The Belgians are not impressive right now, but still, losing to them because of their name won't be embarrassing) We'll stay another season in group B 🙂
romania-kosovo technical defeat 3-0
I think criticizing the coach is unnecessary, we lost two games but it's okay, I hope things improve after this weekend, it will be tough but we will take six points
assasins2011, Has it settled? It's been six months since it's clear that Rebrov needs to be replaced....
  • dzeniatalnax
  • This is horrible. There's no game. And it's systematic already. Instead of Albania, their next meeting should be with tck. Maybe there will be more benefit there
    Now we need two victories on condition of two non-wins by the Czech Republic
    Berdgross, It depends on what goals to set)
    2 victories on the opponents' fields with the current game look unrealistic. I don't remember a weaker performance from the national team for a long time... Even under Fomenko, there was more faith in the result, despite sometimes dull play.
    Now we need two victories on condition of two non-wins by the Czech Republic
    The national team scores few goals in the last matches, hence such results
    andriulopatyn, Albanians are great. We defeat the Czechs and everything will be smooth. As it should be
    The national team scores few goals in the last matches, hence such results
    andriulopatyn, Today there are generally "dry" matches, nothing interesting
    gechagecha1992, Waiting for a comeback from the Poles and a goal rain from the Spaniards
    Fully agree - they played the last 10 minutes - but why couldn't they play like that from the first minute? He started with pensioners. Why is Stepanenko on the field? - to head the ball under the sho...
    SuperNostradamus, I think criticizing the coach is unnecessary, we lost two games but it's okay, I hope things improve after this weekend, it will be tough but we will take six points
    Rebrov needs to be driven away
    andrey-smolyar, Fully agree - they played the last 10 minutes - but why couldn't they play like that from the first minute? He started with pensioners. Why is Stepanenko on the field? - to head the ball under the shot in our second goal.... Why is Yarmolenko on the field? - to mess up everything possible... Oh no, I forgot, - Shevchenko's record doesn't give Rebrov peace....
    Rebrov needs to be driven away
  • 👍 SuperNostradamus
  • The national team scores few goals in the last matches, hence such results
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    Round table

    Player Matches Points
    bogdantelishev 8 15+4
    juve 8 15+4
    liverpulevec 8 15+4
    Ambasador 8 14+2
    zinchenko.v.m. 8 14+2
    korespondent.s 8 14+2
    mc_alexandr 8 14+2
    Дністер 8 14+2
    vovabv 8 14+2
    Gorobaw 8 14+2
    Maksim85 8 13+1
    Ilarion Sv 8 13+1
    M_Ivanov 8 13+1
    shark1980 8 13+1
    СОНЦЕ UA 8 13+1
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    • ...
    • 28
    • »

    Month table

    Player Matches Points
    andriulopatyn 52 77
    Artem79 52 72
    Schmidt 52 71
    Agepa85 52 71
    Sovetoff78 52 71
    СОНЦЕ UA 52 71
    sergrum84 52 71
    Odessa1984 50 70
    kanmedov 52 70
    gechagecha1992 52 70
    Fishka 52 70
    FUTTBASS 52 70
    Serginio Yes 52 70
    bovalu 52 70
    Standard de liege
    52 69
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    Season table

    Player Tours Matches Points
    Serhiy75 18 156 227
    СОНЦЕ UA 18 156 226
    El Matador 18 156 225
    Gorobaw 18 156 224
    tofik 18 156 223
    donvi 18 156 222
    andriulopatyn 18 156 222
    chelsea-best 18 156 222
    igorho2022 18 156 221
    ivanitsky1nu 18 156 221
    User1987 18 156 220
    markun 18 156 220
    Gedz 18 153 219
    paszaoros 18 156 219
    Igor57 18 156 218
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