Upcoming matches

Metalurh Zaporizhya
1 : 2
Metalist 1925

Live results

In the Live Results section, you can follow all the results of football matches right in the game. Here, football gourmets and bookmakers can quickly find out events not only from matches of the TOP championships, but also from more exotic leagues.

After going to the page, you will see all online results for the current day in the “All” tab. The “Live” tab displays only those matches, that are currently being played.

The “My Games” tab allows you to select only those matches that are really interesting for you. To do this, go to the "All" tab and in In the last column on the right, select the matches you want to follow with plus signs, and they will be added to your favorites.

To make sure you don't miss a single goal, each goal will be accompanied by a triumphant roar from the fans. This special alert the sound, if necessary, can be turned off by clicking on the speaker icon in the upper right.

And for fans of the game in the betting shop, a special tab has been developed - Odds, where you can find out about quotes for football matches.